This is a list of all the changes to the site. Sometimes, I make an update, but not necessarily with real content. New songs, styles, edits, etc.
- New Project: the golem
- Added new years card
- Updated /now. Added new baby :). Removed afforementioned fish :(.
- A number of style tweaks (font spacing, etc.)
- Re-jigger the explore Page Categories
- Switch from "recent" content to "featured" content on the home page
- Added fish to the now page
- Added my 2024 New Years Card
- Wrote about some recent projects
- Put a "last updated" on the /now page.
- Added a bunch to my /about page.
- Added "The Armada Rides" to the jukebox
- New Projects The Thundertube and the Crab Tower
- Added New Post Forever Goofin
- Added "Coming Up Posie" to the jukebox
- Added a new project -- Mastering
- Minor visual tweaks
Added a new page!
- Artifacts -- a collection of things around my home
And made an announcement about rss.
Greatly expanded the music page
Added more pages to showcase creative work:
Removed outbound from top menu.
Changed up the site information architecture
- Moved all the projects and blog into "Explore"
- Moved the "last updates" to the home page
Added 2022 End Of Year Review
Added a song to the jukebox:
- Turtlehead Poo
Updated the now page
- I had my daughter, Sunny, so I added her to
Changed the music in the jukebox
- Added The Due Date Song
- Added Pilot Anxiety Song
Added project:
Add a nw page - a collection of links on the internet.
Also added a few more projects:
Add some more projects:
Add a basic version of The "Jukebox" to my website. (Inspired by evy.garden).
Five initial tracks include:
- Banks of the Ohio (Cover, feat. Ben Pepin on guitar)
- Take Me Back To Hawaii (original)
- Longing For The Great Salt Lake (original)
- Peppero Day (collaboration with Host Bodies)
- Minuet From Sam (written for me by Sam Reider.)
Also add the Music page to the site.
Continuing with the excitement from the indie web post:
- Add webmention support to the posts.
More projects:
- Add space pizza
- Add Indieweb microformat markup across the site.
- Publish a post about the fun that markup brings
- Make an addendum to the recent fzf post.
More new things, right out the gate!
- Publish a post (Futuristic Design w/ FZF)
- Add goat counter for some analytics.
Complete website overhaul, massive style change.
Exciting new features include:
- Random project on home page
- Project listing
- A log!
Built on elm-pages.