Aaron StrickemailstrickinatoSan Francisco, CA

New Baby

On January 5th, I had my second baby! -- a tiny lil boy named Dino.

How has it been? Unsurprisingly, it's been much harder than our first. Not because the baby is harder, but because we also have a toddler, which is really hard!

I heard from a few second time parents: "One is none, two is ten." It's great quip. Fortunately, it hasn't been that extreme for us, and I'm really grateful to have some time on paid parental leave - which makes it all much more bearable and humane.

At the end of the year, my partner and I got a tarot reading from the amazing Danielle Baskin on her new tarot reading platform moonlight.world.

She pulled a card to represent the upcoming relationship between my partner and me. Horrifyingly, (as you'll see from the artwork), we pulled the 5 of pentacles. Traditional readings indicate this is not good, but Danielle pointed out that it's one of the few cards that feature a couple as the cards protagonist -- tough roads ahead, for us to walk together.

This has become something of a mantra for us - so I got to photoshop and made this image -- something that I expect to make a custom dud for soon.

we walk these roads together

The Golem

In my recent post about projects that I may or may not finish - I mentioned potentially making an interactive listening experience for the release of my friend Sam Reider's album.

Exciting news! I finished it!!

So, now I have a project page for it (Some of what made it really interesting to work on is listed here). But also - here's a direct link to the experience.

The Golem

First ever update to wikipedia

In other news, since the last site update - I made my first contribution to wikipedia!

I learned the name for an optical illusion where the relative geography makes a downward slope appear to be running upward. It's known as a gravity hill. When I was in high school, a friend of mine made a scavenger hunt for another friend that featured a "the place where water flows up hill" in Golden Gate Park -- and ever since then, it's been a favorite "hidden attraction" of the park for me.

I was shocked then, when wikipedia's list of gravity hills didn't include it! I was excited to take action (the diff):

screenshot of my wikipedia edit

Happy New Year

Also - here's our 2025 New Years card to add to the collection.

happy 2025

What else?

It's been 7 months since my last website update. Obviously - so much. It feels kind of absurd choosing a select few things to add, but, that's how it goes. A new baby and wikipedia.